
Alon HaGalil to Tivon with AlHashvil, guided by Avi Farjioun

Photo album: Israel Trail Hike 2023-03-23

People sometimes seem surprised to hear I am repeating a hike on the Israel Trail. I find it surprising, and in fact wonderful, how different hiking experiences can be. The season, the weather, land development, and the passing of time, all contribute to putting a different face on the same place.

As we crossed through the Kiryat Ata forest on the ridge behind Alon Hagalil, I recognized vistas from my previous treks through this area, while orienteering, cycling, or jeeping. Once upon a time (2011) I hiked this section of the trail on a day in May. It began with some rain, but soon turned sunny and warm. Springtime was nearly over. The flowers were fading and the meadows were turning brown.

Collage #1 – 2011 on the Israel Trail

And then came a day in March (2023) when I hiked the trail again. A few raindrops at the start, but only a cloud-covered sky for the rest of the day.

Later, as I looked through my photo collections from the two hikes, I was amused to find images shot from similar angles. But thanks to recent rains, the landscape was now green, lush, and full of flowers. And because of a long dry spell this winter, the meadow grasses and nettles were still low to the ground.

Collage #2 – 2023 on the Israel Trail

I was pleasantly impressed to see how development and reclamation has changed the experience of hiking along Nahal Tzippori.

The area around the pool at Ein Yivka (also called the Horses’ Spring) has been paved with stones and is essentially free of litter.

I had expected wet shoes from hiking in and across the stream. Instead, I discovered a paved promenade, charming pools, and water channels.

We crossed the stream several times on bridges. Only one crossing required a helping hand from a hiking-mate.

The Carmelite Monks’ Mill is now shuttered. But the area around it has been landscaped and turned into a nature park.

An ideal spot for a lunch break and a group photo.

This hike on the Israel Trail included a menagerie of animals. Horses grazing in the forest. Bulls blocking our path on the steep hillside of Kabia. Cows and their young calves. Sheep and tortoises on the banks of the Tzippori stream.

Collage #3 – Animal menagerie

Wildflowers were in abundance in the fields, and many of the trees on the trail were covered in blossoms. A colorful kaleidoscope.

Collage #3 – Spring blossoms

The complete set of photos in a Flickr album: Israel Trail Hike 2023-03-23

My blog post about hiking this segment in 2011:  March in May on the Israel Trail