My Torah Talks (Divrei Torah)

I am an active member of Shalhevet Hamaccabim, an egalitarian Masorti congregation that was formed some 20 years ago, soon after the town of Maccabim was established. Our membership comprises about forty families from Maccabim, Reut, Modiin and the surrounding area, and includes new and veteran immigrants from the USA and other English-speaking countries, South Americans, as well as native Israelis. We are a self-led congregation with many talented members, whose skills, knowledge and energy keep our congregation vibrant and enriched, both spiritually and socially.

Every Friday evening the congregation meets for a kabbalat shabbat service, which includes a dvar torah (short sermon on the weekly Bible portion) delivered by one of the congregants. For the past two years I have prepared and delivered a number of divrei torah. I prepare my text in English, but speak in Hebrew. The Torah Talk posts listed are a sampling of some of the sermons I have given.