Beaches and Bridges

Herzliya to Ramat HaHayal with Al–Hashvil, guided by Elyashiv Weiss

Photo album: Israel Trail Hike 2023-09-21

After a three-month summer break, I was back on the Israel Trail with my hiking group. The summer heat and knee problems had kept me from doing any significant exercising since our last hike. So an easy walk to kick off our third season on the trail suited me just fine.

We started out in Herzliya, and headed south on the beach until we reached Tel Baruch. We continued on the seaside promenade until the Tel Aviv Port. Then we turned east and followed the Yarkon River across Tel Aviv.

There was nothing particularly remarkable about this hike. The seascapes and cityscapes were so familiar that some fellow hikers felt it was not much different than their regular walking/exercise routines. But reconnecting with the friends we have made over the past two years made the day special and uplifted my spirits.

Starting at The Stars beach in Herzliya.

Heading south, past Hatsuk (cliff) beach.

Crossing the Reading Promenade bridge.

Crossing the Wauchope Reading bridge to the Tel Aviv Port.

Turning east and following the Yarkon River through Tel Aviv.

Crossing under Ibn Gvirol Boulevard.

A bit of urban wildlife near Bnei Dan Street.

Crossing the Yarkon again, at Namir Road (Highway 2).

Switchbacking our way down and under the Ayalon Highway, at Bird’s Head bridge — the confluence of the Yarkon River and the Ayalon Stream.

No matter where we were, the urban landscape was a part of the view.

The final Yarkon River crossing of the day, at the Maccabiah Bridge adjacent to the Ramat Gan Stadium.

The complete set of photos in a Flickr album: Israel Trail Hike 2023-09-21

Previous hikes on this section of trail (in 2009-2010, so many years ago):