Desktop publishing

I also must do the next issue of The Bridge in the next month. I am changing to another printing company because the chief typesetter at Lebon Press, a woman I regard highly and work well with, left Lebon and went to Fox Press.

I have found out the Fox Press can produce galleys from my floppy disk. Though I have processed with Einstein Writer, they convert the disk to ASCII (?). I will have to omit certain commands (center, underline, etc.) and find some other method of indicating italic, bold, etc. Anyway, I’m excited about that.

The bad news is that the costs will go up a few hundred dollars, which will hurt PNAI’s treasury. But hey, if it makes my life easier! Talking to different printers and getting breakdowns of costs (typesetting, proofreading, dummy makeup, printing) I finally got some idea of how much my work on The Bridge is worth: about $2000 an issue.