The Abramson-Elsner-Meyer-Rosenbloom-Sporn-Tatarsky Playpen Pals Fund

In Spring 1989 six women, friends since childhood, set up the Temple Beth-El Abramson-Elsner-Meyer-Rosenbloom-Sporn-Tatarsky Playpen Pals Fund. The unusually long title honors our parents, all among the founders of Temple Beth-El, and underlines the continuity from generation to generation that we seek to engender.

The Fund’s ׂ”playful” title should not disguise its serious purpose: to foster a wholehearted attachment to Temple Beth-El from young members.

In its modest beginning the Fund has provided care and equipment for infants and toddlers while their parents attend services, enabling these parents to worship with tranquility. It has also answered requests for subsidies or scholarships needed by religious school students. As the Fund grows, it will be able to meet more needs of this kind.

Though we, the Fund’s founders, do not all live in Richmond and all of us lead varied lives, we remain close friends. We share a childhood memory of the way our lives centered around Temple Beth-El. We learned in its religious school, prayed in its sanctuary and danced in its social hall.

On September 1, 1992, two weeks after her 64th birthday, our beloved friend, Dore  Trestman, died. She was the daughter of Harry & Anne (Bloom) Abramson. For us she was the model of the woman who “rejoiced in her portion,” radiating cheer, caring and love for everyone around her. Ever pragmatic and forward-looking, Dore requested that the Playpen Pals Fund be a ׂ”beneficiary” of her death.

We hope many others will help the Fund expand its service to young Temple members by contributing with a generosity of spirit that was the essence of our Dore.

The Playpen Pals Fund provides baby-sitting for children under age three. As soon as you receive (or send out) an invitation to your next simcha, notify the Temple office to request baby-sitting during the service.