Cancer diagnosis

To my cousins and special friends

About two weeks ago I learned that I have a tumor in the lowest lobe of my right lung, an adeno-carcinoma. A persistent cough of about 4 weeks duration led to the discovery. I’ve now had all the diagnostic tests: CAT scan (2), mammogram, biopsy, bone scan, pulmonary function, bronchoscopy and mediastinumoscopy. There is no metastesis to bones or liver, but there is evidence in the lymph nodes on the left side. Therefore, my treatment will begin next week with chemotherapy and radiation, with surgery a possibility at a later date.

My strong belief and attitude is that I will recover. I will try very hard to combine the ways my parents dealt with ill health and old age: My Mom had the grace to accept physical disabilities and the wisdom to adjust her life style to each new limitation. My Dad had the discipline and determination to follow all medical advice, eat properly, exercise regularly, stay independent, involved and informed. I draw my greatest strength from Seymour, my helpmate in all ways, and from God who is with me at all times.

I’ll be happy to get e-mail, snail mail, phone calls (if I can’t talk for one reason or another, Seymour will) and the most grateful for healing prayers. (For mi sheberach prayer, my Hebrew name is Bracha Meira bat Esther Ruth.)