Israel National Trail – The Challenge Begins!

For several years I have contemplated and often talked about hiking the Israel National Trail. Now that we have sold our 4×4 pickup, the time is ripe to embark on this project.


MAPA’s Guide for Israel Trek by Zevi Gilat breaks down the 940 kilometer trail into 44 segments. My idea is to form a group that hikes a segment of the trail about once a month, and not in sequential order.  The plan is to start with segments that are easier, to leave the more difficult segments for later, and to do segments best suited to the season. It will take several years to complete the entire trail.

An orienteering friend, Shimon Shomrony, initiated such a plan four years ago. He has generously shared his group’s itinerary and logistical plans with me and Yuval, and they will serve as the basis for our group’s trek.

We’re hoping to form a group of 20-25 people to join us on this journey.

To get started, we’ve set 2 dates and 2 easy segments close to home:

Shabbat, May 2 (“Segment 21”): Mitzpeh Ben Shemen > Latrun (17 km)

Shabbat, June 6 (“Segment 22”): Latrun > Shar Hagai (9 km)

If you are up for the challenge, let us know. Call or send an email to me or Yuval.

We need a definite commitment by April 20 for the first segment, so that we can organize the automobile “shuttles” between the start and finish points. Happy Passover Lisa and Yuval