Instagram à la 1950

Instagram à la 1950

The photo album had been sitting in my possession for years, patiently awaiting my attention. When I finally got around to scanning it – the last of my mother's albums that I digitized – I was thrilled to find high quality images and delightful captions penned in white ink on the black pages. A 1950s precursor of Instagram or Facebook. At some point in her life, Bernice had the good sense to remove photos from the album that were irrelevant to her story. Only the captions remain on the pages, hinting at what she discarded. Bernice's photo album tells the story of the summer of 1950 – a time of love and excitement in her life. In June, Bernice graduated from Syracuse University, where she had majored in journalism. Not only was she the first person in her family…
My Video Nostalgia Project

My Video Nostalgia Project

Once upon a time, in the 1980s and 1990s, we did not have digital cameras or smartphones or Skype. We used VHS tapes to visually record and share our experiences. In late 1985, when our oldest child was just a few months old and our home in Israel was under construction, we acquired our first VHS camcorder. It was bulky and heavy, and required the support of one’s shoulder or a tripod. Subsequently we owned smaller and lighter VHS-C camcorders, with improved video quality, but image resolution was still far behind that of today's technology. Over the next two decades, we amassed nearly 200 videotapes of family memories, mostly of our own creation, but also a fair number recorded by others, and including videotapes retrieved from my parents’ house. The collection fills up two large plastic storage bins. A…
Long Time, No See

Long Time, No See

Segment 25 – Mitzpeh Mesuah to Beit Guvrin *   I decided to take advantage of a free-of-orienteering Saturday, mild late-winter weather, and a trail segment close to home. I gathered Yuval and a few dear friends from the neighborhood, and quickly organized an easy hike on the Israel Trail, after a very l-o-o-o-n-g time away. We started at the Masuah look-out. Cindy is always happy to hike with me and likes to remind me that I don't take her out often enough. The wildflowers are in abundance at this time of year. Walking and talking. No need for much navigation. Awesome vistas. We were just seven. More vistas. The guys got lazy, and persuaded us gals to shortcut our way back to the cars. So instead of crossing over the road and following the trail (along the hills behind…
הניווט הרכוב לאן? קולות הנשים

הניווט הרכוב לאן? קולות הנשים

 מכתב ששלחתי לחברי הנהלת איגוד הניווט ב-20.5.2014  *   אני ביקשתי להעלות לדיון את הניווט והליגה הרכוב כיוון שהמצב הקיים לא מועיל ואף מפריע לפעילות העיקרית של האיגוד והמועדונים. בדיון בפורום לאחר הניווט הרכוב במשואה (תחילת אפריל), כתב נועם רביד: המארגנים צריכים לתכנן 3 מסלולי אופניים טובים (זה לא קל, גם אם רוב התחנות משותפות), לבדוק אותם, להניח ולאסוף תחנות ומים בשטח גדול, להזניק בנפרד, לנהל תוצאות בנפרד, וכו'. הרבה התעסקות בשביל 30 איש (ונכון לרגע זה רשומים אף פחות מכך). אם יהיו פחות מ-50 נרשמים בתום ההרשמה המוקדמת, כמארגן הייתי שוקל ברצינות לבטל את התחרות. נועם לא הזכיר את העובדה שהמארגנים חייבים גם לגייס בעלי רכבי שטח לעזרה בבדיקת השטח/הנחת תחנות/איסוף תחנות, וגם לצורך חילוץ רוכבים (במשואה היו 3 מקרים כאלה). גם לא קל, כפי שרבים חושבים, לשלב ניווט רגלי וניווט רכוב. צריכים למצוא שטח שמתאים לשני האירועים,…
When Old Friends Go Walking and Talking

When Old Friends Go Walking and Talking

Segment 24 – Horvat Hanot to Azeka Junction *   The feedback after our last hike on the Israel Trail a month ago encouraged me to organize another outing as soon as possible. The selected date, during the Hanukkah holiday, was problematic for some and convenient for others. I decided to go with the earlier date, and save the following one as a rain date. Turned out there was no need to postpone; the weather was ideal for hiking. But since we've not yet had any significant rainfall this year, the trail was dry, and I spent much of the day searching for some color to photograph. Our hiking group consisted of long-time friends, whose friendships go as far back as school days and army service (aside from Miri and Shlomo being siblings). A chatty bunch. Delightful company. Before starting the…
Good to Be Back on the Israel Trail

Good to Be Back on the Israel Trail

Segment 24 – Even Sapir to Horvat Hanot *   On just a week's notice, I gathered a small group of hiking friends, and took to the Israel Trail once again. We picked up the trail near Moshav Even Sapir, just outside Jerusalem, where we had finished a previous hike some two years ago. The autumn day was crisp and comfortable for hiking, and provided clear vistas as we traversed the hills and valleys. The first segment of our hike was along the Springs Trail in the Aminadav forest. We passed many springs and pools, some dry and others filled with water. Definitely a place to return to on a hot summer day for a refreshing dip. A view of Hadassah Hospital (Ein Kerem) from the trail. Playing peek-a-boo in the rock formations. Upon reaching Horvat Saadim, a small nature reserve noted for…
March in May on the Israel Trail

March in May on the Israel Trail

Segment 12 – Alon Hagalil to outskirts of Tivon *   Rain in Israel on the last weekend in May?! Almost unheard of, but that's the kind of weather we've been experiencing this year. Thunder and heavy rain had woken us at 5 a.m., just before the alarm clock. As we drove north, the rain continued on and off. The forecast was for scattered showers as well as sunshine and high temperatures. We expected the latter to prevail at this late spring date. We met and began our hike on the Israel Trail at the entrance to Alon Hagalil. Just as we started, a wave of rain rolled in, and we scrambled back into our cars. Within a few minutes the downpour changed to a drizzle, and we started off again. As we hiked through the Alonim forest, the rain alternately got…
Welcoming Winter on the Israel Trail

Welcoming Winter on the Israel Trail

Segment 28 – Dvir(a) to Sansana *   "The way you spend New Years is the way you'll spend the rest of the year." A friend of mine posted that message on Facebook on New Year's day. If that message is true, well then, I can expect to be doing a lot more hiking on the Israel Trail this year, and in the company of wonderful friends. Despite last minute cancellations from my regular hiking companions, and the threat of rain, I did not want to postpone this hike a second time. As long as we had two cars, to park one at each end of the segment, we were good to go. Unlike our previous outing on the trail with 19 hikers, this time we were just five, and that was just fine! Yuval and I were joined by…
Ups and Downs on the Israel Trail

Ups and Downs on the Israel Trail

Segments 23 - Shoevah to Even Sapir *   Although November is almost over, Israel has not yet received any significant rainfall this autumn. Our weather concern for this hiking day was not if it would be cold and wet, but rather how hot it might be. Faced with such conditions, I decided the best segment for today's hike on the Israel National Trail would be the ascent to Jerusalem. I hoped to enjoy the greenery and shade of the forests, and to find water in the spring-fed pools marked on the map. Since this segment is the closest the Israel Trail gets to Jerusalem, it was a natural decision to hike the trail in an "ascent to Jerusalem". But we had plenty of descents as well. We began our hike in Shoevah, the same place we began a hike…

I’ve Joined the Club

Since I first learned that the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure [for breast cancer] would be held in Jerusalem on October 28th, I have had the date marked on my calendar. But a couple weeks ago I realized I would not be able to participate. I recently went to see the dermatologist for my annual check of moles and spots (I’ve got lots, but nothing has ever raised a flag). I also wanted to ask the doctor to remove what I thought was a fatty deposit on the side of my nose near my eye, since it was constantly irritated by the nosepad of my eyeglasses. Earlier this summer my ophthalmologist had identified a small bump on my eyelid as a trivial fatty deposit, so when this similar-looking (in my mind) bump appeared on my nose later…