Farewell to Spring on the Israel Trail

Farewell to Spring on the Israel Trail

Segments 6-7 – Lower Nahal Amud to Migdal *   Only two weeks had elapsed since our last hike on the Israel National Trail. But we took to the trail again to catch the springtime greenery and blossoms before they dry and fade away for the summer. Once again it was a hot day, but the 9 hearty hikers who showed up were ready and eager for another adventure. After leaving one car at the gas station in Migdal, we drove to the gas station at Kedarim, where we parked our other cars, enjoyed a good cup of Segafredo coffee, and then headed for the trail. Note: I plan the hiking route and prepare the maps, which I put in Yuval's hands. Yuval is responsible for keeping us on course since I take photos continuously during the hikes and am liable to miss…

MTBO at Eshtaol Forest

My husband Yuval and I have been riding MTBO events together for the past two years. Often we ride the course with a couple friends (who may or may not have a map). I wear a Garmin Forerunner 305 and keep a log of my sporting activities. The MTBO event at Eshtaol Forest this past weekend proved quite a challenge for even the serious and seasoned riders. So I've decided to share my impressions of the event.
Family History on the Israel Trail

Family History on the Israel Trail

Segment 3 – Yesha Fortress to Nahal Dishon (Alma Bridge) *   Our eleventh hike on the Israel National Trail began at the Yesha Fortress (also called Metzudat Ko'ah) overlooking the Hulah Valley. In the early days of Israel's War of Independence, April-May 1948, the Palmach 3rd Regiment waged three battles with the Arabs before gaining control of the fortress. The weather forecast predicted high temperatures, and indeed it was a hot day. But that did not stop 17 hikers from showing up for today's trail adventure. Our group this time included three couples of friends from Maccabim who had not yet hiked the trail with us. One of our newcomer friends was Alon Friedman, who was about to see something he was probably not expecting. Moments after starting the hike, we crossed Route 899 and entered the grounds of Nebi Yusha, a mosque…
Perfect Timing on the Israel Trail

Perfect Timing on the Israel Trail

Segments 28 - 29 – Kibbutz Dvir to Pureh Nature Reserve *   This post is dedicated to my mother Bernice Meyer Saltzman, of blessed memory, who would have celebrated her 81st birthday on March 6th, the day of this hike. If it had been a week earlier, we would have been slopping around, cold and wet, in mud and rain (and our scheduled hike was indeed postponed). If it had been a week later, we would have been hiking in heat, and the wildflowers would be wilting. But on this first weekend in March, the forces of nature were with us, and our hike on the Israel National Trail in the northern Negev was picture perfect. We broke an unwritten (and non-enforced) rule: we hiked this segment from south to north. This was a decision I made to…
A Stroll in the Park on the Israel Trail

A Stroll in the Park on the Israel Trail

Segment 19: Ganei Yehoshua (Park Hayarkon), from West End to East End * It had rained heavily throughout Israel in the preceeding week. Trails everywhere in Israel were too muddy to hike. Starting at the Tel Aviv Port, we would end our hike at the eastern end of Park Yehoshua, in the Ramat Hahayal high-tech business park. Our Israel Trail hike thus became a stroll in the park, on a cool but sunny winter day. For the most part we walked on asphalt and packed-dirt paths.
Winter Green on the Israel Trail

Winter Green on the Israel Trail

Segment 27 – Moshav Ahuzam (Tel Keshet) to Pureh Nature Reserve *   After a hiatus of some ten weeks due to my recovery from retinal reattachment surgery, I was delighted to usher in New Year 2010 with a celebratory hike on the Israel National Trail. The hike today (2 January 2010), from Tel Keshet to the Pureh Nature Reserve, was originally scheduled for early December. In retrospect, we were fortunate that the hike on this segment was postponed a month. Although flowers are not yet in blossom, the landscape now glows brilliantly green. The meadows have begun sprouting new growth and the vast expanses of recently planted wheat fields have turned velvety green. With few significant highlights, this hiking segment can be easily summarized: Leave Moshav Ahuzam, hike across farmland, cross under Highway 40, pass the Tel Keshet mound.…
The Genesis of a Flood

The Genesis of a Flood

This was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. We were not just watching a flood in the Judean Desert. We had actually seen it materialize, starting from the first drops of rain up on the heights of Hyrcania, growing into cascading torrents, and rushing into the stream beds below.

Detached Retina déjà vu

I recognized the signs of a detached retina and quickly sought medical treatment. During my hospital stay I met other patients who did not realize the severity of their vision problem and did not seek attention soon enough. Their road to recovery will be much more difficult.
Ruth Radman and Leonard Meyer, 1926 (Engaged)

The Courtship of Ruth Radman and Leonard Meyer

My grandmother's diary takes us into the world of my grandparents in Richmond, Virginia, in 1925. It is amazing to read the teenage Ruth’s words, to sense her consuming love for Leonard as well as the routine of her daily life nearly a century ago. More astounding are entries in which Ruth unknowingly provides glimpses of events and personalities that eventually evolved into memorable episodes and figures in the Radman-Meyer family history.
Exceeding Expectations on the Israel Trail

Exceeding Expectations on the Israel Trail

Segment 15 – Meir Sh’feya Youth Village to Bet Hanania *   We had several notions of what today’s hike on the Israel National Trail would be like. Predictions of extremely hot weather caused several group members to back out, and made us concerned about coping with the heat. Certain Israel Trail reviewers have described the first four kilometers as a boring leg, so we had visions of a dull climb alongside high-tension power lines for the first hour or so. I know Ramat Hanadiv from orienteering and had recollections only of the thorny thickets across the reserve. So by the end of the day’s hike, we were all totally delighted to realize that are fears had not materialized, and our expectations had been far exceeded. 6:45: At Beit Hanania, Yuval, Varda and I join Ilan and his passengers…