Shana Tova to the Wonderful Women in My Life

As Rosh Hashanah approaches and I reflect on my blessings, I especially give thanks for the wonderful women in my life. For many years, I considered my mother my best friend — we could talk for hours, we corresponded voraciously, she was my pillar of support when the stresses of raising young children, financial obligations, and the hectic pace of my life wore me down. When she died seven years ago, I was bereft. But over the years that void in my life has been filled by the friendships and relationships with many women whose lives intersect mine.

  • My women friends of the Ladies Group, the “Anglos” of Maccabim and environs, with whom I meet once a month and share good conversation in English and good nosh.
  • My women friends of Congregation Shalhevet Hamaccabim, with whom I meet every Friday night and share the spiritual uplifting of our Kabbalat Shabbat service.
  • My women friends of Orienteering with whom I meet on the weekends and share the challenge and thrill of finding flags in the forests and fields of Israel.
  • My women friends of High Tech, technical and marketing writers, with whom I share a passion for precise words, creativity, and the highest standard of work.
  • My women friends whose volunteer activities evoke my utmost admiration.
  • My women friends whose professional talents amaze me.
  • My women friends whose unfailing optimistic attitude and outlook on life inspire me.
  • And even the women friends with whom I share only email exchanges.

You have all enriched my life in so many ways. I feel truly blessed.

May the coming New Year keep us all in good health, bring us joyous events for celebration, and give us many occasions to meet and share our friendships.

Shana Tova
With love