Surf and the City

Beit Yanai to Poleg/Netanya with Al–Hashvil, guided by Rami Shemesh

Photo album: Israel Trail Hike 2023-06-15

Officially and easily a hike along the coast, from the mouth of Nahal Alexander to the mouth of Nahal Poleg. However, we did not go that far. The hike ended at the Victory Monument in Netanya, followed by a small end-of-year party in the adjacent park.

This short stretch of coastline surprised us with its various surfaces. Fellow hikers later remarked that parts of the hike were as strenuous as hiking in the wilderness.

From the start, many of us had wet shoes and socks when we were unable to jump across the spot where Nahal Alexander flows into the sea.

At first the sand was packed and easy to walk on. Some hikers removed their wet shoes, but heavy concentrations of shells and pebbles were painful to walk on.

Sometimes we had a choice of walking in the surf, or slogging in soft sand.

We stopped at a number of official beach sites, where we took advantage of shade, seats and toilets. At these stops our guide spoke of the organized illegal immigration to pre-Israel Palestine that took place on these shores. He also spoke of the Jewish underground military activities against the British during their control of Palestine (1917-1948).

Along one stretch of beach we sunk deeply into the sand at every step.

As we approached the city of Netanya, the sand again became hard and comfortable for walking.

We climbed a long stairway to the Netanya promenade.

We walked through the urban landscape.

We enjoyed stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea.

Netanya has developed enormously in recent years. High-rise apartment buildings and hotels have changed the landscape of the city.

Our final group photo for the season — in front of the Victory Monument in Netanya.

Flower season is done and gone. So this hike’s collage is a collection of sights that caught my eye.

The complete set of photos in a Flickr album: Israel Trail Hike 2023-06-15