

People sometimes seem surprised to hear I am repeating a hike on the Israel Trail. I find it surprising, and in fact wonderful, how different hiking experiences can be. The season, the weather, land development, and the passing of time, all contribute to putting a different face on the same place.
Yom Hashoah on the Israel Trail

Yom Hashoah on the Israel Trail

An Israel Trail hike on Yom HaShoah might not be a typical way to observe this solemn day. But it is not inappropriate. Were we not hiking, many of us would have been working in an office, or at home like me, stopping only for a moment of silence and not otherwise engaged. Today I spent time with a group of people who love this land as much as I do, wending our way through a ravine filled with stunning cliffs and fragrant wildflowers, and admiring the construction achievements of the state of Israel.
Good to Be Back on the Israel Trail

Good to Be Back on the Israel Trail

Segment 24 – Even Sapir to Horvat Hanot *   On just a week's notice, I gathered a small group of hiking friends, and took to the Israel Trail once again. We picked up the trail near Moshav Even Sapir, just outside Jerusalem, where we had finished a previous hike some two years ago. The autumn day was crisp and comfortable for hiking, and provided clear vistas as we traversed the hills and valleys. The first segment of our hike was along the Springs Trail in the Aminadav forest. We passed many springs and pools, some dry and others filled with water. Definitely a place to return to on a hot summer day for a refreshing dip. A view of Hadassah Hospital (Ein Kerem) from the trail. Playing peek-a-boo in the rock formations. Upon reaching Horvat Saadim, a small nature reserve noted for…
March in May on the Israel Trail

March in May on the Israel Trail

Segment 12 – Alon Hagalil to outskirts of Tivon *   Rain in Israel on the last weekend in May?! Almost unheard of, but that's the kind of weather we've been experiencing this year. Thunder and heavy rain had woken us at 5 a.m., just before the alarm clock. As we drove north, the rain continued on and off. The forecast was for scattered showers as well as sunshine and high temperatures. We expected the latter to prevail at this late spring date. We met and began our hike on the Israel Trail at the entrance to Alon Hagalil. Just as we started, a wave of rain rolled in, and we scrambled back into our cars. Within a few minutes the downpour changed to a drizzle, and we started off again. As we hiked through the Alonim forest, the rain alternately got…
Welcoming Winter on the Israel Trail

Welcoming Winter on the Israel Trail

Segment 28 – Dvir(a) to Sansana *   "The way you spend New Years is the way you'll spend the rest of the year." A friend of mine posted that message on Facebook on New Year's day. If that message is true, well then, I can expect to be doing a lot more hiking on the Israel Trail this year, and in the company of wonderful friends. Despite last minute cancellations from my regular hiking companions, and the threat of rain, I did not want to postpone this hike a second time. As long as we had two cars, to park one at each end of the segment, we were good to go. Unlike our previous outing on the trail with 19 hikers, this time we were just five, and that was just fine! Yuval and I were joined by…
Israel Trail 2009-2010 Recap

Israel Trail 2009-2010 Recap

Despite a 2-month suspension of hiking due to my retinal detachment in November, we completed 10 hikes on the Israel National Trail this (academic) year for a total of about 140 kilometers. It's hard to be exact on the distance measurement. I activate the GPS recording when we commence walking, and stop it when we reach the end of the hike. Sometimes our hikes include a kilometer or more on a "connector" trail to the point where we pick up the Israel Trail. I've also accidentally paused recording a few times, and have had to estimate the length of the unrecorded segment. It's really not critical. Eventually we will have bragging rights to 940 kilometers - the official distance of the trail. So far, we've done about 200. Three of our regular hiker couples went off -- independently of…
Celebrations on the Israel Trail

Celebrations on the Israel Trail

Segment 23 – Shaar Hagai to Sho’evah (Shoresh) *   We should have celebrated an anniversary on the trail yesterday, but I didn't realize it until last night. Exactly one year ago (May 2, 2009) I began my journey on the Israel National Trail. Over the year, my hiking group has evolved and established a pace and rhythm that suits our personalities and physical abilities. It has been such a pleasure and a success! May our adventures continue! After checking the weather forecast and the route topography, Yuval and I planned a "standard" 15-kilometer route on the Israel Trail for our hiking group, from Sho'evah (Shoresh) to Shaar Hagai. We also decided to formally adopt the philosophy of hiking each segment in the direction that is easiest on the hikers, rather than conforming strictly to a north-to-south progression. That meant today's hike was mostly downhill, although it did include one long tough climb. Close…
Farewell to Spring on the Israel Trail

Farewell to Spring on the Israel Trail

Segments 6-7 – Lower Nahal Amud to Migdal *   Only two weeks had elapsed since our last hike on the Israel National Trail. But we took to the trail again to catch the springtime greenery and blossoms before they dry and fade away for the summer. Once again it was a hot day, but the 9 hearty hikers who showed up were ready and eager for another adventure. After leaving one car at the gas station in Migdal, we drove to the gas station at Kedarim, where we parked our other cars, enjoyed a good cup of Segafredo coffee, and then headed for the trail. Note: I plan the hiking route and prepare the maps, which I put in Yuval's hands. Yuval is responsible for keeping us on course since I take photos continuously during the hikes and am liable to miss…
Family History on the Israel Trail

Family History on the Israel Trail

Segment 3 – Yesha Fortress to Nahal Dishon (Alma Bridge) *   Our eleventh hike on the Israel National Trail began at the Yesha Fortress (also called Metzudat Ko'ah) overlooking the Hulah Valley. In the early days of Israel's War of Independence, April-May 1948, the Palmach 3rd Regiment waged three battles with the Arabs before gaining control of the fortress. The weather forecast predicted high temperatures, and indeed it was a hot day. But that did not stop 17 hikers from showing up for today's trail adventure. Our group this time included three couples of friends from Maccabim who had not yet hiked the trail with us. One of our newcomer friends was Alon Friedman, who was about to see something he was probably not expecting. Moments after starting the hike, we crossed Route 899 and entered the grounds of Nebi Yusha, a mosque…
Perfect Timing on the Israel Trail

Perfect Timing on the Israel Trail

Segments 28 - 29 – Kibbutz Dvir to Pureh Nature Reserve *   This post is dedicated to my mother Bernice Meyer Saltzman, of blessed memory, who would have celebrated her 81st birthday on March 6th, the day of this hike. If it had been a week earlier, we would have been slopping around, cold and wet, in mud and rain (and our scheduled hike was indeed postponed). If it had been a week later, we would have been hiking in heat, and the wildflowers would be wilting. But on this first weekend in March, the forces of nature were with us, and our hike on the Israel National Trail in the northern Negev was picture perfect. We broke an unwritten (and non-enforced) rule: we hiked this segment from south to north. This was a decision I made to…