Wildflower Bouquets

Wildflower Bouquets

Our latest Israel Trail hike on the Mount Carmel range delivered a rich medley of terrain and vistas. The hike itself was not difficult. But the day brought the first heat wave of 2024. Many of us were not quite prepared -- mentally or physically -- for the high temperatures that day. Abundant and colorful arrays of wildflowers decorated the landscape. Our guide and some of my hiking partners are adept at putting names to flowers. I stick to capturing their beauty in photos.
More on Mount Carmel

More on Mount Carmel

In the days preceding our latest hike, Israel experienced some 16 consecutive days of rainfall. Sunshine and clear skies finally took hold just two days before the hike. The weather was glorious and ideal for hiking. But the potential dangers of mud and slippery rocks meant that our route was modified.
Short and Shady

Short and Shady

This was a short and easy hike on the Israel Trail. This trail segment winds its way down, 500 meters in altitude, from Ussifiyah to Kibbutz Yagur. Undamaged by the massive forest fire in 2010, this side of Mount Carmel remains shady and thick with vegetation.
Box of Chocolates

Box of Chocolates

This hike on the Israel Trail was like Forrest Gump's (you never know what you're going to get) box of chocolates. In just one hike, from Ussifiyah to Pitchat Nahal Oren campground, we got a taste of everything. Easy and challenging. Ups and downs. Views and vegetation of all kinds.