Nahal Anabe Lime Kiln (photo by McKaby)

Nahal Anabe and Municipal Megalomania

I am trying to save a sliver of nature and history. I am hoping that sanity will prevail over megalomania. In the not too distant future, when you see the natural landscape of Nahal Anabe and Ben Shemen Forest obliterated by 4- and 6-lane thoroughfares, remember this blog post. Remember how some citizens-who-cared tried to convince the bureaucrats and elected officials of Modiin that preserving the city's "backyard" habitat is just as vital for city residents as creating commerce and jobs. Until recently I had never been involved in environmental activism. That changed this past spring when I was enlisted by my friend Alon Tal to join a group of petitioners in an effort to divert a road leading  from Highway 431 to the Business Park in Modiin (Ligad). [Alon is one of Israeli's leading environmentalists. He founded Adam Teva V'din - the Israel Union for Environmental Defense and the…