My Memories of Frank Gilford and the Yom Kippur War

My Memories of Frank Gilford and the Yom Kippur War

Israel Memorial Day 2021 - יום הזכרון תשפ"ש | After finishing college in the USA, Frank Gilford and his wife Susan made aliyah in 1978. Sadly, Frank died in an accident during IDF training in 1982. Susan remarried and remained in Israel. She recently contacted me, asking if I could share any memories of Frank and the Yom Kippur War, so that she could relate them at her community's Memorial Day service. In 1973 she and Frank had not yet met. Following is my response. | Frank and I arrived in Israel on September 12, 1973. We belonged to a group of 35 high school graduates from all over the United States, who had been members of the Young Judaea Zionist youth movement. Many of us knew each other from Young Judaea activities in our local areas, and from the…