The Israel Trail Hiking Group Materializes

Segment 21: Mitzpeh Modiin to Latrun * 

My emails, phone calls and conversations over the past few weeks produced a group of 17 people ready to roll on the Israel Trail this morning. Here, then, is my account of our first hike:

6:45: Quick introductions in the restaurant parking lot at Latrun, regrouping into 3 cars, and shuttle to Mizpeh Modiin in Ben Shemen Forest.
7:29: The GPS (“the Garmin”) starts recording.
7:33: We misread a trailblaze and turn off the main road onto a footpath in the forest. It’s not a serious mistake, and actually takes us on a more pleasant route through the woods for 5 minutes.
8:08 (2.4 km): After climbing and descending several hills, we emerge from the Ben Shemen Forest. We head through the olive groves.
8:15 (3 km): We are moving at a good pace. I call out time and distance according to the Garmin. As we cross through the wheat fields, I see that people are mingling and chatting, and becoming acquainted.
9:00 (5.8 km): We reach a hilltop, Hirbet Regev. We enlist a passing mountain biker to take our group photo. He gets a great shot!

The inauguration of the Israel Trail hiking group
The inauguration of the Israel Trail hiking group

At this point we have hikers who are hungry for food and those who are hungry for more kilometers. Those in need of nourishment win the debate.
9:05 (6.1 km): We make our breakfast stop in a shady pine grove at Hirbet Bet Anabe. A 20-minute pause. Just right. We head down and across Nachal Anabe, under the new railway and highway 431 bridges, and hike alongside a ramp under construction that leads into Ishpro business center. Not idyllic, but we’re talking-and-walking and simply pay less attention to the visuals at this point.
10:15 (10 km): We pause at Hirbat Neches. Great vista point. We can see the Latrun Monastery in the distance. Avner pulls out a harmonica and a few sheets of lyrics, and we enjoy 15 minutes of music and harmonizing with nature and each other. Leora passes around a bag of Bamba. (I understand she made a special shopping trip to get it once she and Yoram decided, only yesterday, to join the hike.)

Avner Halachmi plays harmonic on the Israel Trail
Avner Halachmi plays harmonica on the Israel Trail

10:45 (11.6 km): The trail puts us on the road leading to Kibbutz Shalavim, but soon turns onto a dirt road (a Keren Kayemet “Derech Nof”) that takes us through a pleasant grove of pine and eucalyptus trees. At this point Leah’s back is hurting and she slows down. Yuval and I, Yoram and Leora slow down to wait for her and Shlomo. Meanwhile Avner calls to say he and Saraleh have held back to connect with friends who joined up with them near Ishpro. The pack is well ahead of us.
11:30 (14 km): We are pleasantly surprise to find the pack waiting for us in a shady spot. I assume they’ve been there for 10-15 minutes. Within minutes, Avner and Saraleh arrive with newcomers Reuven and Ziva.
11:40 (14.8 km): We cross under Highway 1, and then walk alongside it for about 1.5 km. As before, we walk-and-talk and ignore the non-picturesque aspects of the trail at this point. On our other side is an expanse of farmland in which melons are starting to grow.
12:00 (16.3 km): We begin the final, easy ascent towards Latrun. We reach the reservoir.
12:10 (17.2 km): At the junction, we elect to take a shortcut back to the parking lot rather than going around the Armored Corps Museum and down to Route 3 before returning to our cars. (We’ll do that piece next time.) The pack goes ahead while I wait for the tail-end to arrive.
12:20 (18 km): I come up to the picnic area where our hiking group has assembled and announce “17.8 kilometers”. But after downloading the Garmin data to my computer, the software shows a total of 17.97 km.
Aside from Leah, no one seems to have had difficulty with the ascents, descents or distance. Nor did anyone verbalize any complaints. So I hope that means everyone enjoyed the hike and was satisfied with the pace and the company.
I came home, showered and took a good 2-hour nap. Wasn’t really hungry until dinner time.

Lisa Mishli self-portrait on the Israel Trail
Lisa Mishli self-portrait on the Israel Trail

The complete set of photos of our hike on Segment #21 of the Israel Trail

Please add your comments, in Hebrew or English.
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  1. נורי שלמה

    כל הכבוד על ההשקעה
    על הארגון
    על התמונות

  2. Wow! This great. Welcome to the world of blogging. The hike sounded wonderful!

  3. רותי אלוש

    תודה על היוזמה והארגון
    אפילו מזג האויר שארגנת לנו היה אידאלי
    הצעה – מאחר והקטע הבא של המסלול הוא קטע קצר אפשר להאריך קצת את ארוחת הבוקר ולהוסיף הסברים או משהו בדומה במהלכה. זאת, כמובן, בנוסף לניגוניו של אבנר

  4. Ilan Berman

    Overall great trip, we enjoyed the track, the company, the weather, the arrangements,
    The pace was a little too high, if we could do it in 4.5 hrs instead of 4 hrs it would be better. More breaks could help too, this is good time to relex, chat, drink or have a bite.
    Thank you for having us as new members, you all are wonderful.

  5. ורדה אינגלס

    היי ליסה,
    תודה על בוקר נפלא של פעילות. היה כייף ומהנה וקצת שונה מניווט עצמאי בשטח. ניתן לראות את הנופים והתצפיות בלי לחץ של זמן, והיה מעניין לפגוש אנשים חדשים. חשבתי, שלפעם הבאה כדאי לעשות הפסקות שבהן נקריא או נספר משהו על האזור או המקום הספציפי. שכל פעם משהו אחר יקח את המשימה הזאת על עצמו. הספר של יעקב בוצ’ן נמצא בידי, ויש בו הסברים על האזורים השונים בשביל ישראל וגם קטעים מהיומן שכתב בהליכתו בשביל. זו יכולה להיות ההתחלה. כך נקבל ערך מוסף לטיול בשביל וגם תהיה הזדמנות טובה יותר לגיבוש הקבוצה. אני אביא את הספר הזה בפעם הבאה. כמובן שהמפוחית של אבנר הייתה במקום והוסיפה לאוירה, ובפעם הבאה אפשר יהיה לשיר שירי פלמח כי נעבור בדרך בורמה. כל הכבוד על היוזמה

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